Tickets were sold out at the Dundee City Chambers, when members and guests of the Guildry of Dundee held the Guild’s First Annual Charity Dinner, attended by Guest Speaker, the Right Honourable Lord Robertson of Port Ellen KT, KCMG, PC. All proceeds will go to support Guildry charities, currently targeted at improving the welfare and education of local students in the City.Wine and drinks were served to guests as they arrived at the Reception, allowing time for Guests to mingle and catch up. The highly talented Tower Beats Group, a University musical sextet, made the atmosphere complete as they played a medley of tunes, both during the reception and the meal.
In welcoming the guests, Joe Morrow, Lord Dean of Guild thanked the Lord Provost and Council Staff for the use of the splendid Council Chambers and to the Committee for organising the event. A particular welcome was accorded to Guest of Honour, Lord Robertson, who had given up his valuable time during the pressing demands of a busy agenda in his position as Head of the UK Strategic Defence Review.
Without further ado, the Lord Dean appointed Council Officer, David Young, as Keeper of the Gavel of the Guildry of Dundee, congratulating him with a warning that it was no easy task to control this “rowdy bunch”.
The Lord Dean affirmed that the Dundee Primary Schools Enterprise Project and the awarding of Bursaries to local Dundee University students in need, were but two of the projects which would be supported from the proceeds of this fundraising evening.
Bishop Andrew Swift delivered an uplifting Grace to lead us into a sumptuous three course meal with wines and coffee, served with true skill and professionalism by staff from the Dundee Rep, under the supervision of Debbie Jackson, Catering Supervisor. The glasses of port rounded off the meal to perfection.
Lord Robertson began his address by congratulating the Guildry, commenting “The Guildry of Dundee has a tremendous history and stands as a key charitable organisation in the City. It has achieved remarkable success in the community over many years.” He then went on to fondly recall his days as a student at the University of Dundee up to his appointment as University Chancellor. He reminded the audience that, in a period of less than 60 years, the University has established itself as a major seat of learning and a world leading research centre, being awarded UK University of the Year in 2024.
He adeptly used highlights from his eminent career as UK Secretary of Defence and Secretary General of NATO to put current global affairs into perspective but with a warning to be on the alert as changes develop. He humorously ended with a quote from Charlie Chaplin “I have a great interest in the future. That is where I intend to spend the rest of my life”.
A genuine and heartfelt Vote of Thanks was given by Lord Dean Elect, Ivor Morton, and the Lord Dean made Lord Robertson an Honorary Member of the Guildry of Dundee.
A raffle swiftly ensued, coordinated by Collector Jim Pickett, who had also orchestrated and organised the entire evening.
Lord Dean Elect, Ivor Morton, humorously drew the programme to a close by thanking Jim Pickett and his Committee for working so hard over many weeks and to all other contributors who had made the evening such a success. Members were reminded that further Guildry events will be announced shortly for everyone to enjoy. A good time was had by all and the final message of “Haste Ye Back” concluded another first class Guildry celebration.